Narrative Project


  1. Your picture is very good at portraying a story. It shows that the team won and is celebrating.

  2. I can easily see the fact that it was taken in the middle of an event. I can easily guess what came before and what comes after, it is a good photo.

  3. This photo was well taken and is easy to understand on what is going on.

  4. 1) Your picture is portraying a story about playing a sport with not only friends and teammates but as a family.
    2) This picture is very good picture because the focus in on point, rule of thirds is used, and the shadows are visible etc

  5. I think that this photo tells a story. You can infer what happened before and what is possibly going to happen next.
    I think that this is a good photo, it has good focus and contrast. I like how the team is the focus of the photo and the rest of the background is somewhat blurred out of the photo. This contrast also helps to tell the story of the moment this photo was taken.

  6. This picture tells a story of a team celebrating and/or ready to play. I can tell what happened before and after and the image is in focus and has good contrast.


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