
Showing posts from February, 2020


Last semesters Reflection: Next semester I am going to do a few things differently. For example, i am going to not wait until the last minute to do projects. I will complete the projects by the day it is due or early so i don't get behind. When we are assigned projects i will think long and hard about an idea that is unique to me and not basic. When taking the pictures i will be patient to get good quality pictures that i will be proud of. I hope next semester i work hard to succeed in this class. Reflection on my Reflection: I give myself a C. The reason i give myself this grade is because i feel that i have been very distracted with other hard classes that i have not put enough effort into this one! I believe this class gives me the time to be creative and have fun in school so i need to take it more seriously. By reflecting on my reflection i realize that i am going to start doing better on my projects so i can be proud of them!

Letter to Past Self

Dear Past Self, Some tips on succeeding in this class is too first, complete your projects on time and don't get behind because it will be difficult to catch back up. Second, when taking pictures take a good amount of time to get a good quality picture and take a lot of pictures to give you options. Another tip for this class is to think outside of the box and not go with your first idea because your first idea is most likely someone else's first idea too. Lastly give yourself a good amount of time to complete your project because to use photoshop to  its best ability will take a little bit of time. Have fun in this lass and enjoy being creative past self.

The importance of art

I disagree with this statement because I think that art is very important for young people to express themselves and to be creative using different art forms. Art in school gives students an outlet to have fun while trying to juggle had classes and heavy work loads. Being involved in Art programs can teach students about creativity and how to not always do whats expected which can be used in work environments.

Force Perspective


What Art? 1

The two images are of paintings with very visible paint strokes each created into a girl in a different position. 1)Both models look upset or mad. They give off a very serious mood. 2)Looking at the images I think they were created with paint because you can see the detailed strokes. 3)Color is very important in the images because the blue in the first image fells sad and the dark colors in the second give off a serious mood. 4)I think these images wee successful in showing how serious they are.