Fears Project


  1. I think this fear is conveying a fear of being alone. The image shows a girl sitting alone on a swing and the other swing is empty. This photo gives me the vibes of loneliness. The photo itself is very open and it shows it's surroundings which makes the image more detailed. Maybe with the next project take different angles and see if any of them have more texture.

  2. I think her fear is fear of being lonely. I think she was successful in conveying the fear because it shows a person by them self. She did a good job by adding the black and white filter to convey sadness. She should have put a different background to help convey the message.

  3. 1. The fear trying to be expressed is the fear of being alone.
    2. The picture successfully portrays the fear of being alone.
    3. Making the picture in a grey scale was a good idea to portray the fear.
    4. Next time she could've isolated herself better.

  4. 1. I think that the fear is being alone.
    2. Your photo is successful in conveying your fear.
    3. The whole photo is really good and i liked how you showed more around you than just you.
    4. Its a really good photo and I don't really have a constructive comment.

  5. I think this is the fear of being alone so if it is then it conveys the fear pretty well. I like how simple it is and i dont have a negative comment.

  6. i think this is a fear of being alone and the photo is succesful in conveying me about your fear i like it because of the idea of the photo and the effect of no colours but i think it will be better if it is in dark place or isolated from the trees and beautiful view

  7. 1) fear of being alone
    2) your photo is clearly conveying that your fear is being alone, because of the swing next to the girl is empty.
    3) The black and white filters make the photo look way better
    4) Have the girl sitting on the swing put her hand out towards the other swing to pretend like someone is there even though no one is there.

  8. 1- the fear is being alone
    2- the photo is successful because its dark and she's alone
    3-the black and white was a nice touch to make it more deep and dark
    4- maybe could have been just a tad bit closer to the screen


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